2007年5月10-15日 上海
主 题
近年来,碳循环在全球气候演变中的驱动作用受到密切关注。地球气候变迁是和生物地球化学过程的改变交织在一起的。越来越多的证据表明,碳循环对轨道驱动的响应及反馈,是理解第四纪气候旋回机理一个很重要的环节。“碳同位素生物地球化学”研讨班邀请著名的美国Woods Hole 海洋研究所John Michael Hayes教授主讲,着重强调碳同位素分馏机制及其在生物地球化学过程中应用。主要探讨碳同位素生物地球化学在碳循环、古环境/古气候及海洋学研究中的应用,尤其是甲烷的产生、循环。同时介绍同位素测试技术,特别是放射性碳14的测定在生物地球化学研究中的应用。
Professor John Michael Hayes, 美国科学院院士, 是国际最著名碳同位素地球化学专家,获得过地球化学领域里的各种奖章,包括Treibs Medal、 Goldschmidt Medal、Urey Medal等。现为斯坦福大学地球科学学院、麻省理工学院地球大气和行星科学系、Max Planck 海洋微生物研究所、不来梅大学海洋边缘研究中心的顾问委员。他长期研究现代及古环境中的碳循环及其与全球环境发展的关系,在分子生物地球化学和微生物地球化学,稳定同位素在有机、无机化合物中的分布及稳定同位素的测试技术等领域都有突出成绩,发表了近两百篇学术论文。
May 10 Morning (09:00-11:00)
1. Isotopic Chemistry: Physics of chemical bonds; Equilibrium isotope effects; Kinetic isotope effects.
Afternoon (14:00-16:00)
2. Fractionation of isotopes in physical and chemical processes: Mixing and separation of isotopically distinct phases; Closed systems; Open systems.
May 11 Morning (09:00-11:00)
3. Inorganic components of the carbon cycle: Inputs of juvenile carbon; Formation of dissolved inorganic carbon and carbonate minerals; Distribution of C between atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere, and lithosphere.
Afternoon (14:00-16:00)
4. Primary production of organic material: C3 and C4 photosynthesis (carbon pathways, enzymes, isotope effects); Relationships between isotopic fractionation and the abundance of CO2; Isotopic compositions characteristic of specific oceanic environments; Other modes of carbon fixation.
May 12 Morning (09:00-11:00)
5. Biosynthesis of organic molecules: Pathways of biosynthesis; Associated isotopic fractionations; Isotopic compositions typical of marine products.
Afternoon (14:00-16:00)
6. Precise measurement of isotopic abundances: Conventional mass spectrometry (stable isotopes of H, C, N, O, S); Accelerator mass spectrometry (14C); Continuous-flow systems.
May 13
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May 14 Morning (09:00-11:00)
7. Remineralization of organic matter and production of methane: Aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Fermentation and methanogenesis; Pathways of carbon flow within sediments; Related isotopic fractionations.
Afternoon (14:00-16:00)
8. Recycling of methane: Aerobic methanotrophy; Anaerobic methanotrophy; Processes at cold seeps; Reconstruction of sedimentary systems using isotopic lines of evidence.
May 15 Morning (09:00-11:00)
9. The global cycling of carbon since 4.0 Ga: Cycling of C between mantle and crust; Present crustal inventories of oxidized and reduced carbon; Redox balances in the carbon cycle; Carbon budgets since 4.0 Ga and the oxidation of earth’s surface environment.
Afternoon (14:00-16:00)
10. Radiocarbon in biogeochemical studies: The distribution of 14C in the ocean;
Evidence for widespread archaeal autotrophy in oceanic midwaters; Recognition of anthropogenic products in global systems
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